You're going to be big one day, It reminded me of a great game called Metroid.
You're going to be big one day, It reminded me of a great game called Metroid.
Again, I must say, this is a work of art. If you keep crapping out good games like these, you'll have a future in game design in no time.
Thanks but this one would be bit hard to crap out as it took me a good chunk of time and effort to make, and I guess it shows...
Stencyl is a great software, that allows some really great games too be made. I love it! 5 stars!
This is awesome! The art style is brilliant, and the gameplay is new and fresh! Would be popular on mobile devices!
Thank you : )
Freaking amazing! It's Simple, but very addicting!
Thanks a bunch!
BRILLIANT! I can tell you put hours of effort into this! Good Job!
It's beautiful, short little game! I just wish it had more content!
This is awesome! A rare gem, found in the depths of under judgement!
Joined on 4/23/13